Thursday, June 20, 2013

Report on MySQL User Camp on 19th June, 2013

So we had MySQL User Camp on 19th June, 2013. Turn out of the people were less than what we expected based on the registration but even then it was a good gathering. Among the many familiar faces from the last MySQL User Camp in March 2013, many new faces could also be seen this time who missed MySQL User Camp last time.

Event started at its scheduled time sharp at 5:00 pm with a welcome speech by Sanjay Manwani, Director of MySQL India. He announced (tentative) date of next MySQL User Camp to be on 9th October, 2013.

It was followed by a talk on "InnoDB Storage Engine overview" by Annamalai Gurusami (MySQL India Sustenance Team Engineer). Talk went very well. Interest of people in InnoDB was evident from the number of questions they asked during the talk. Due to interesting questions and answer session, it took a bit longer and finished at 6:00 pm.

After this, we had a guest speaker, Karthik P.R. Karthik is MySQL DBA and is working with Wipro. He is a MySQL veteran and has explored MySQL in depth. He wanted to talk about his experience with MySQL. He spoke for only 15 mins but I must say, very encouraging talk which clearly pointed out benefits if a DBA or user chooses MySQL. There were few interesting take aways from development perspective as well.

Then it was 6:15 pm. I got a chance to speak about Performance Schema. Talk was aimed to give introduction of Performance Schema, what it is, how it works and what new we have in 5.6. It went very well with number of questions asked during and at the end of the session. People found Performance Schema very interesting and a tool which they always wished for. I could see the excitement on their face to use Performance Schema in 5.6. One of them asked if the source code of Performance Schema is available on-line (coz he wanted to play around with the code) and was happy to know that its source is open.

Talks finished at 7:00 pm. It was the time for informal networking with community users and refreshment. I got a chance to speak to community users over tea & Samosa (An Indian spicy snack). They seemed very excited about latest MySQL release - 5.6 and were willing to give it a try.

Feedback from attendees
I was having a look at feedback forms today morning. It felt very good to see such a positive response. People also suggested topics to be included in next talk like Replication, Optimization and database tuning and best practices. We would definitely take their suggestions into consideration.

Follow us on following group to participate in next MySQL User Camp:
Facebook group : MySQL User Camp
Linked-in group: MySQL India 
Google Group   : bangalore-mysql-user-camp

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

MySQL User Camp happening @ Bangalore

Yet another MySQL User Camp is here ... Last MySQL user camp was held on 22nd of March, 2013 and it went very well. Introduction of MySQL India Team followed by MySQL 5.6 Presentation was very well received by attendees.

Best part was informal discussion with MySQL enthusiasts (with donuts and juices in our plate ;-) ) who are keen to know more and more about MySQL. I got to meet people who were very interested in MySQL Performance Schema and were willing to know how to use it and what benefits it provides to users. And more importantly "How it works".

Looking at the attendees response, it was decided to have this "MySQL User Camp" in every 3 months. So here is the time, 19th June 2013, A Wednesday, we are having another MySQL User camp. And looking at curiosity of attendees last time, I am speaking about MySQL Performance Schema, area where I work in MySQL.

And there is more. A session about MySQL InnoDB storage Engine which is default storage engine in MySQL now (earlier MyISAM was MySQL default storage engine).

And ofcourse, all these followed by informal discussion over snacks. :)

Here is the link having detailed information about MySQL User Camp.!topic/bangalore-mysql-user-camp/gnqGPLKDB0s

So explore this opportunity to come and meet MySQL Developers and Users. Registration is free. Don't forget to send mail to register yourself.

See you all there ....